Professional Hypnotherapy Services in Melbourne

Your key to a

healthier mind

starts today

Choose your thoughts to choose your life

Strategic Hypnotherapy 

We have the power to choose

The power to choose which thoughts we prioritise: some propel us forward, while others hinder our progress.

Often, we're unaware of the thoughts influencing us. Yet, the decision always rests with us,

even if we're uncertain of the process.

Download and listen to my free 25-minute "You Are Other Than Your Thoughts" guided meditation. 

"Michael is a gifted healer and motivator.
Working with him has been a game changer"

 Barbara U., Melbourne

How Effective is Hypnotherapy?

Results of comparative study by ;
American Health Magazine - Feb-2007

Read the Article Here

Behaviour Therapy


There are a huge number of talk therapies, each differing slightly from the other. The difference lies in two components:

The philosophy. CHSP holds that the client is the expert in having the problem, and the therapist is the expert in the solution to the problem.
The use of Hypnotherapy, where the client enters a state of profound relaxation and heightened focus, at which point the therapist can make suggestions to assist the client in finding new ways of dealing with issues.


Most people respond extremely well to CHSP; however, it is important to consider that the scope of CHSP precludes practitioners from working with people with certain conditions where there is no evidence for benefit. This includes clients with clinically diagnosed schizophrenia, epilepsy, or severe depression. Contact me for a full list

There is no Medicare rebate for these services.

You may be eligible for discounts through your private health provider, depending on who your provider is and what type of cover you have. It’s best to check with your health fund provider. 

In short, very pleasant and profoundly effective, you will be guided to a relaxed state where your focus is enhanced, and you begin to experience a letting go of the superficial parts of your day. You will be guided to a state where you can interact with the parts of your mind that lie beneath your consciousness. You will be supported to make changes to your psyche that will help you let go of the things that are holding you back.

For certain conditions (see below), CHSP is amazingly effective and can lead to meaningful life changes in four to six weeks, although one would typically see some benefit after the first session. It's not magic; there are no capes or wands. It will take time and effort, although it is substantially more effective than other forms of therapy for specific conditions (see above).

Yes, for remote (Zoom or the like), and sometimes, depending on how far away and the distractions, let me explain:

Online Therapy: Decades of empirical studies have consistently demonstrated that online therapy is as efficacious as traditional face-to-face therapy. Initially skeptical, it didn't seem logical that direct, interpersonal therapeutic methods could be as effective as remote. However, adapting to the evolving digital landscape, I conducted a trial of online therapy and found it to be an effective alternative. My experiences have now substantiated the research, confirming that online sessions can achieve outcomes comparable to those of in-person therapy.

In-House Visits: I practice out of East Brighton, so if you are more than 15 minutes away, it's not practical. However, sometimes I work from a space in South Melbourne, which may be beneficial to you.

Strategic Psychotherapy
Clinical Hypnotherapy

(Strategic Hypnotherapy)

Strategic Hypnotherapy uses relaxation techniques and positive suggestions to reduce stress and promote calmness. By addressing the root causes of anxiety, it helps individuals develop coping mechanisms and build resilience, leading to a more balanced and peaceful state of mind.  ( Learn More)

Through hypnotherapy, individuals can alter their eating habits and boost motivation for healthy lifestyle changes. By addressing underlying emotional triggers and reinforcing positive Behaviours, it supports sustainable weight loss and a healthier relationship with food. (Learn More)

Hypnotherapy enhances confidence and focus through visualization and positive reinforcement. By addressing fears and self-doubt, it helps individuals perform at their best in various situations, whether it’s public speaking, exams, or artistic performances. (Learn More)

Strategic Hypnotherapy addresses negative thought patterns and promotes emotional well-being. By fostering a positive mindset and encouraging self-compassion, it helps individuals manage symptoms of depression and improve their overall quality of life.
Learn more 

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Hypnotherapy helps reframe traumatic memories and reduce emotional distress. By creating a safe space for healing, it supports individuals in processing trauma and building resilience, leading to improved mental health and well-being. Learn more

Hypnotherapy reduces the perception of pain through relaxation and mental imagery. By teaching individuals to focus their mind away from pain, it provides a natural and effective way to manage chronic pain and improve comfort. Learn more 


Hypnotherapy alleviates symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome by promoting relaxation and altering gut-brain communication. By reducing stress and anxiety, it helps manage digestive discomfort and improve overall gut health. Learn more 

Hypnotherapy supports emotional healing and acceptance through guided imagery and relaxation techniques. By providing a safe space to process emotions, it helps individuals navigate the grieving process and find a sense of peace. Learn more

Hypnotherapy desensitises fears and builds coping mechanisms.
By gradually exposing individuals to their fears in a controlled environment, it helps reduce phobic reactions and increase confidence in facing challenging situations. Learn more

Strategic Hypnotherapy strengthens willpower and reduces cravings by addressing the underlying psychological factors of addiction. By promoting positive Behaviours and reinforcing healthy choices, it supports individuals in overcoming addictive habits. Learn more

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Strategic Hypnotherapy enhances mental focus and motivation, helping athletes achieve peak performance. By visualising success and reinforcing positive self-beliefs, it supports athletes in reaching their goals and improving their skills. Learn more

Strategic Hypnotherapy promotes relaxation and stress management techniques. By teaching individuals to manage stress effectively, it helps reduce the impact of chronic stress on physical and mental health, leading to a more balanced life. Learn more

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Hypnotherapy improves sleep patterns through relaxation and positive suggestions. By addressing the root causes of sleep disturbances, it helps individuals achieve restful sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Learn more



Hypnotherapy combined with Strategic Psychotherapy is a safe, well-documented methodology for assisting people to live a more fulfilling life free from anxiety, stress, limiting beliefs, and various conditions that limit the enjoyment of our time. 



The combined modalities of Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy provide effective and lasting results at a deep unconscious level. 



What can best be described as Brief Therapy, the effect of combining Clinical Hypnotherapy with Strategic Psychology proves to be a method that achieves profound results with less interaction.

Our Guiding Principals

Non-Judgment: The In the space of therapy, non-judgment is our North Star.
Here’s why it’s pivotal:
1. It’s not about us: As therapists, we park our judgment, only you have lived your life, and nobody is in a position to make judgements on what you have done, said or thought, the session is about you. We can not understand you if we only see you through our standpoint.
2. Empowering Vulnerability: Non-judgment invites vulnerability. Clients share their unfiltered narratives—their fears, dreams, and tangled emotions. Our role? To hold this vulnerability gently, without critique.
3. Mirroring Acceptance: By suspending judgment, we mirror acceptance. In this mirror, clients glimpse their worthiness. They shed layers of self-doubt, inching toward self-realisation.
4. Unleashing Authenticity: Non-judgment unshackles authenticity. Clients explore their shadows, knowing they won’t be castigated. Here, transformation blooms.



Your Privacy, Our Promise: Confidentiality in Hypnotherapy

In hypnotherapy, where you share personal experiences, confidentiality is paramount. It's both a legal requirement and an ethical obligation for us.

Legal Obligation: Laws and regulations bind hypnotherapists to protect your privacy, ensuring your information is handled securely.
Ethical Commitment: Professional associations enforce a strict code of ethics, prioritizing client confidentiality for a trustworthy experience.

Knowing your information is safe fosters:

Open Communication: Leading to more effective treatment plans.
Empowerment & Healing: You can focus on personal growth without fear.

Looking for a Trustworthy Hypnotherapist? Seek professionals affiliated with reputable associations known for upholding ethical codes.

Why This Synergy Shines:

Fast-Track Progress: Strategic psychotherapy identifies and addresses core issues, while hypnotherapy reinforces positive changes for lasting results.
Subconscious Powerhouse: Hypnotherapy bypasses conscious resistance, allowing strategic interventions to take root more effectively.
Empowerment & Insight: Strategic psychotherapy fosters self-awareness and problem-solving skills, while hypnotherapy builds resilience and self-confidence, creating a well-rounded approach.
Tailored Solutions: Both techniques can be customized to your specific needs and goals, ensuring a personalized path to success.
Solution-Oriented Focus: This combined approach shifts the focus from dwelling on problems to actively creating positive solutions.
Beyond Effectiveness: Safe, non-invasive, and backed by research, hypnotherapy and strategic psychotherapy offer a drug-free alternative or a complementary approach to traditional treatment plans for a wide range of concerns.
Ready to Embrace Change?

Safety First: Why Hypnotherapy is a Safe and Effective Option

Considering hypnotherapy? Safety is a top concern. Here's why it's a risk-free and effective approach to well-being:

Non-invasive & Drug-Free: Hypnotherapy works with your mind and body naturally, promoting positive change without medication.
Qualified Professionals: Reputable hypnotherapists undergo thorough training and adhere to strict ethical codes, ensuring safe and professional practice.
Collaborative Approach: Hypnotherapists work collaboratively with you, ensuring you feel comfortable and in control throughout the process.

Ready to explore a safe and effective path towards a healthier you?



As you can understand, I can help you if I understand you or the specific issue you seek to have resolved. We'll have a chat for 15 minutes or so about you, your life, and what goals you would like to set for the sessions. I would need to ask you questions to better understand you. After our chat, we would progress to the treatment stage. 



Once we know what we need, it's time to go ahead to the treatment stage, which has specific stages: Induction, Therapeutic Intervention, Consolidation, Reorientation & Debrief. It’s important to note that the exact stages and techniques used can vary depending on the individual client’s needs. The process is always tailored to each person’s unique situation.