Transmute Performance Anxiety with Strategic Hypnotherapy

Unlock your True Potential and Perform with Confidence

Transform Your Performance Experience

Stage Fright

Fear of Failure

Self Doubt

Physical Symptoms of Anxiety (sweating, shaking, etc.)

Build Confidence: 

Develop a strong sense of self-assurance
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Enhance Focus: 

Stay in the moment and deliver your best performance.
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Manage Stress: 

Learn techniques to stay calm and composed under pressure.

Boost Creativity: 

Free your mind from anxiety to unlock your full creative potential.


"Since starting hypnotherapy, I've found a new level of confidence in my performances. I no longer dread going on stage, and I can finally enjoy sharing my music with others."

Emily, Vocalist

"Hypnotherapy has helped me control my nerves before performances. I feel more relaxed and focused, and my playing has improved as a result."

Michael, Pianist

"Fantastic Thank you!
I'm so much more confident focused and comfortable before, during and after a show":


Strategic Hypnotherapy for Performance anxiety

Achieve Your Best Performance with Strategic Hypnotherapy

What Performance Anxiety is and what it isn’t

Most of us strive to excel in our endeavours, whether it be in our careers, relationships, hobbies, or personal development. For performers, achieving the highest possible level of performance is a primary goal. However, a significant impediment to this is performance anxiety—“choking up” just when free-flowing confidence is most needed. What’s important to recognise is that all anxiety’s are similar in the most basic manner, that is to say, anxiety in itself does not exist, Anxiety is a process that we run, (it's a verb not a noun). Performance anxiety can display symptoms in a myriad of ways, the good thing is that the more intense the symptoms more profound will be the results of Strategic Hypnotherapy. If the mental process that we run can cause our hands to shake, our bodies to sweat, pupils to dilate or to feel physically sick, then the opposite must also true, that a mental process can cause calm confidence, focused intensity physical acuity. If you’ve read this far, then either you or someone you care about must be dealing with performance anxiety, the good news is that it is possible to transmute the intensity of the symptoms into powerful allies of calm confidence, where you or that someone can be free to uniquely connect with an audience through an authentic and stunning performance. This is the alchemy of Strategic Hypnotherapy.

Beyond Overcoming Anxiety: Performance Enhancement

A growing body of research highlights the effectiveness of hypnosis in performance enhancement. Hypnosis is a versatile tool offering both passive and active forms of intervention, making it uniquely suited to help performers reach their peak potential.

Passive and Active Techniques

Performance-enhancing techniques can be divided into passive and active approaches. Passive techniques involve receiving a message or suggestion, such as in Trance learning, subliminal training, and audio or visual cortical entrainment. Active techniques require the individual’s participation, such as meditation, mnemonics, speed reading, neuro-feedback, and mental imagery practice. Hypnosis bridges both categories, augmenting many of these techniques.

Hypnosis in Performance Settings

In the realm of performing arts, as in sports, hypnosis is embraced for its ability to enhance performance and restore previous levels of achievement following setbacks. Hypnosis helps performers enter their ideal performing state, often referred to as the “zone of optimal function.” This state is based on the individual’s optimal anxiety level pre-performance. Contrary to popular belief, the best performance is not always associated with the lowest anxiety levels. For some, peak performance occurs with high pre-performance anxiety, for others, with intermediate or low levels. The key is identifying the individual's unique zone of optimal function. 


Hypnosis has proven useful in enhancing performance to optimal levels in sports, and the same principles apply to the performing arts, academic testing, or any endeavour where mastery is sought. Discover your personal zone of optimal function and develop strategies to maintain it, especially when the stakes are high.

Use the keen insight of your subconscious mind to discern obstacles and mentally rehearse the experience of peak performance, achieving effortless and exuberant success.

Ready to Transform Your Performances? Book a consultation today to take the first step toward overcoming performance anxiety and achieving your true potential.